
At RWU, we understand that our applicants are multidimensional and their talents and potential shine through in many different ways. While we recognize that standardized tests accurately measure aptitude for many students, 还有许多人的能力不能通过这样的测试来公平地衡量. Therefore, standardized tests may serve as an artificial barrier to many highly qualified students.

Our policy more accurately reflects the extent to which student motivation and initiative are important predictors of success. This is especially true at RWU where students are expected to apply innovative and collaborative approaches to both traditional and project-based learning. We believe that giving our applicants the option to use test scores creates broader access to an RWU education.

If you feel that your SAT and/or ACT scores accurately reflect your academic achievements and potential you may wish to submit your scores. 相反, if you feel that your transcript and other involvements and achievements are a better reflection of your ability and potential, 而你的考试成绩会减损你的价值, 你可以选择不提交.

In the past several admission cycles, approximately 60-65% of applicants have submitted test scores.

Yes, RWU will take your highest score from each section of the SAT regardless of the exam date. 如果你同时提交了SAT和ACT成绩, we will use the composite score that is in your best interest per the official concordance data.

In order to be considered for direct admission into either the Elementary Education or Secondary Education bachelor’s degree programs, you must submit test scores that meet the minimum requirements established by the Rhode Island Department of Education. 如果你选择不提交分数, or if your scores fall below the requirements you may be admitted provisionally with the opportunity to either meet the requirements or pass an alternate exam before the end of your sophomore year. There are no test score requirements for admission as an undeclared education major or for the educational studies program.

Homeschooled students are strongly encouraged to submit an additional credential, 标准化考试成绩可能是一个不错的选择. 这些可能以SAT, ACT, SAT II或AP考试成绩的形式出现.

International students with a native language other than English are required to submit TOEFL or IELTS scores to be considered for direct admission.选择不提交成绩的学生, or whose scores on these exams fall below the minimum requirements will be considered for either Bridge or Conditional admission.

There is a question on the RWU member screen section of the Common Application where you will indicate whether or not you would like test scores considered as a part of your application. 请注意,如果你选择了考虑你的分数的选项, 它们将成为完成您的申请的必要项目. 如果你申请早期行动计划,并希望你的分数被考虑, 请确保在11月15日截止日期之前寄给我们.

如果你之前把考试成绩发给我们, but then choose to apply without scores we will not include them as a part of the admission review.

Roger Williams University accepts either officially-reported or self-reported test scores at the time of application. 如果提交了自我报告的考试成绩, 官方成绩报告将只需要在注册时提供. 


When taking the SAT or ACT you may select Roger Williams to automatically receive your test scores. Or, you may contact the College Board or ACT to have them send your scores directly to us. Lastly, if your scores are printed on your high school transcript we will consider those official.


Applicants may enter their test scores directly on the Common Application or submit a copy or screenshot of the score report(s) that clearly shows the student's name. Additionally, students may request that their secondary school sends along the scores, if possible. 

如果你选择不提交你的成绩, just make sure you’ve indicated this accurately on the RWU member screen section of the Common Application. 不需要额外的考试成绩. Instead, we will simply consider all the other aspects of your application as part of our holistic review. 申请人不会因为选择不提交考试成绩而处于不利地位.

Yes, all students who apply will be automatically considered for merit scholarships. Merit scholarships will be awarded based on a combination of academic factors that will include test scores only if an applicant has opted to submit them.

Yes, all applicants may apply and will be considered equally for the honors program whether or not they have submitted test scores.

Official test scores are only required from students who applied with self-reported scores. 
