
RWU offers several scholarships that require applications and specific qualifications.  Our general eligibility requirements include that you are a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, and are enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program.  Program and eligibility requirements are subject to revision based on federal, state and university changes to regulations and policies.


布里斯托扶轮奖学金: 授予布里斯托尔人, RI resident who is currently enrolled as a sophomore, 大学的大三或大四学生, this endowed scholarship will be given to those who are in financial need.

乔治·E. 小加文. 纪念奖学金: 这个奖项是为了纪念乔治. 加文,小.他是一位终身居住在布里斯托尔的居民. Eligible students will have 证明有经济需要 who are members of the 布里斯托尔 community. 与布里斯托尔消防和/或警察部门有家庭关系的社区成员优先考虑. 

哈罗德·佩森奖学金: 该基金是为了纪念哈罗德·佩森而设立的,目的是为布里斯托尔大学的全日制本科生提供经济支持, RI for at least two (2) years at time of application. Must be a high school graduate intending full-time undergraduate enrollment at the University; and will be based on academic promise 经济需求.

奥兰多J. Bisbano优秀奖学金: 授予布里斯托尔人, RI resident currently enrolled as a second or third year student who aspires to do public service.  这个奖学金 is based first upon merit and then upon financial need.  这个奖项是为了纪念奥兰多J. 比斯巴诺,前布里斯托,国际扶轮市镇办事员.


校友会奖学基金: 这个奖学金, 基于高学术地位的, 对大学社区的贡献, 经济需求, provides assistance to full-time students entering their 初级 or senior years.

安德拉德家族捐赠奖学金基金: 成立于2012年, this scholarship will be awarded to a first generation college attendee with 证明有经济需要, 良好的学术地位 with demonstrated academic achievement from 布里斯托尔 County, MA, 纽波特或布里斯托尔县, 国际扶轮或东普罗维登斯市, RI. 对葡萄牙语和/或葡萄牙或巴西文化有兴趣的学生将优先考虑, 历史或遗产.

可口可乐学者: 由可口可乐基金会于2009年成立. 这个奖学金 provides financial assistance to underrepresented students, 根据经济需要, 谁保持良好的学术地位. 

教职员工紧急奖学金: Established for returning students with 证明有经济需要.

Grimshaw-Gudewicz奖学金 (New and Returning Students): Established by the Grimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable Foundation, this annual scholarship award is available to students from New Bedford, 麻萨诸塞州 with good academic standing 并表现出经济需求.

乔纳森·雷德勒纪念奖学金: 这个基金是汉农家族设立的, 纪念乔纳森·雷德勒, 网赌的十大网站的学生.  这个奖学金 is to be awarded to a student with financial need.  该奖项于2013年春季开始颁发.

L.G. Balfour Scholarship for Underserved and Under-represented Students: 由L.G. 贝尔福基金会, 该基金根据经济需要和学业成绩向符合条件的少数民族学生提供奖学金援助.

Mario Geremia奖学基金: 每年颁发给需要经济援助以完成其本科教育的大学高年级学生. The recipient must be a resident of Rhode Island 良好的学术地位.

罗伯特F. 斯多科奖学基金: 于2017年由罗伯特F. 斯托伊科,RWU董事会理事,罗伯特F. Stoico/FIRSTFED慈善基金会.  该奖学金每年颁发给“将有所作为”并对学习充满热情的全日制学生, GPA不低于3分.0, is a resident of Southeastern 麻萨诸塞州 or Rhode Island, and has demonstrated need.

“星光大道”校友会奖学金: 这项奖学金是由在网赌的十大网站星光大道上购买砖块的大学选民设立的.每年颁发一次, 这项奖学金是基于较高的学术地位, 对大学社区的贡献 经济需求.  进入大二的学生, 初级 or senior years are eligible and preference will be given to legacies.

William Randolph Hearst 捐赠奖学基金 for Underserved Students: Established through a generous gift from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, this scholarship is awarded to underserved full-time undergraduate students at the University.


阿利斯特C. 麦格雷戈奖学金: 这个奖学金 was established in 2009 in loving memory of Major 阿利斯特C. 麦格雷戈89, 他是网赌的十大网站的校友,一生致力于保护儿童,并在执行任务时被杀. 这个奖学金 is intended to provide financial assistance to children, stepchildren or spouses of police officers who have been killed in the line of duty, 并且已经被网赌的十大网站录取为全日制本科学生. Residents of Rhode Island have priority, followed by (1) New England, (2) Reno, Nev. (3)所有其他美国.S. 州. If no undergraduate applicant(s) meets these criteria, graduate students will be considered using the same prioritization. In the event that no student applicants meet the above qualifications, 奖学金将根据经济需要发放,并提供给被录取和注册的全日制学生,他们是罗德岛州警察的子女. 申请人是否不符合这些标准, 司法研究学院的学生如有经济需要及有兴趣从事执法工作,亦可获考虑.

美国API NH/Delta奖学金:  Awarded annually to a full time student majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a sophomore, 初级, 或者是高年级学生, 证明有经济需要, 良好的学术地位. 学生必须有意进入供暖, 通风, 毕业后从事空调业务.

贝利奖学金:  Awarded annually to a full-time student majoring in Business, 社会学, 音乐, 会计, 心理学或法学.  The student must be 良好的学术地位 and have demonstrated financial aid. The student must also have experiences that reflect commitment to, and understanding of African-American culture and 历史.

建筑管理专业奖学金: Established to award one or more scholarships annually to sophomore, 初级, 或全日制就读建筑管理课程的高年级学生,证明有经济需要和良好的学术地位.

达琳·莱克纪念奖学金: 每年颁发给大学生, 英语专业, 历史, 或哲学或参加教育计划, 谁有经济上的需要. 达琳Lycke, 人文主要, 1985届毕业生, served as resident assistant and editor of the 1985 edition of The Talisman, 网赌的十大网站年鉴.

黛安·德雷克纪念奖学金: Established in memory of Roger Williams University student Diane Drake, 刑事司法专业, 这项年度奖学金颁发给有学术成就和经济需要的高年级学生. Priority is given to students enrolled in the Criminal Justice program.

唐纳德沃尔顿卡尔普捐赠奖学金: The Donald Walton Culp Endowed Scholarship was founded in honor of Mr. Culp to support students majoring in 施工管理 in the School of Engineering, 计算, and Construction who have 证明有经济需要.

Dr. 乔治. 菲科利名誉教授奖学金:  这个奖学金 is awarded annually to student(s) majoring in biology; must be an upperclassman with a minimum GPA of 3.0及以上,并有经济需要.

Evelyn and Rita Pendergast Memorial Scholarship, given by Dr. 和夫人. 彼得Mogayzel: 该奖学金颁发给就读于海洋生物学专业的女学生,该学生必须表现出学术成绩和经济需求.

乔治一世. 奥尔登助学金: 由久负盛名的乔治一世建立. 伍斯特的奥尔登信托公司, 麻萨诸塞州, this scholarship is awarded to Roger Williams University students based on financial need.

Gingerella家庭奖学金: Awarded to a deserving full-time upper-year student. 校友家属优先考虑, 商业专业, 居民助理, 及大学职员.

International Association of Insurance Professionals of Rhode Island Legacy Scholarship: 成立于2021年1月, 该奖学金将每年颁发给参加马里奥J学院风险管理或保险相关课程的学生. Gabelli School of Business, in need of financial assistance, and is 良好的学术地位.

约翰W. 国王,P.E. 电气行业奖学金: 授予全日制工程专业大三或大四学生,基于学业成绩和经济需要. 这个奖学金 was established in memory of 约翰W. 他在电气工程专业的职业生涯跨越了半个多世纪,涵盖了所有主要的子专业, 包括电工, 电气承包商, 老师, 电气检验员和电气工程师.

林肯W. N. 普拉特纪念奖学金:  林肯W.N. Pratt Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a student who has a keen interest in music. The scholarship was established in memory of 林肯W.N. Pratt, who served on the University Board of Trustees since 1989.

米歇尔·克伦·叶顿1980年纪念奖学金: 这个纪念奖学金是为了表彰一位校友, 1980届毕业生, will be awarded annually to an upper-year student majoring in business, 良好的学术地位, 展示经济需求. Preference is given to the son or daughter of a single parent. The scholarship was established through a gift from Tim Yeaton '80, 已故米歇尔·克伦·叶顿的丈夫, 得了B的学生.S. degree in business management at Roger Williams University.

Montrone家庭奖学金: 该奖学金每年颁发给来自新罕布什尔州或斯克兰顿沿海地区的学生, 宾西法尼亚, is 良好的学术地位 and who demonstrates financial need. 然而, 应该没有候选人符合要求吗, the University may make an award to the qualified candidate who most closely meets these criteria.

保罗年代. Langello奖学金: 这个奖学金, 是为了纪念保罗·兰杰洛而建立的, 在加贝利商学院(Gabelli School of Business)全日制注册且学术成绩良好的学生可以申请. Paul Langello was a member of the Business faculty from 1969-1992. He was founder and director of the University's Small Business Institute.

庞贝家庭工程奖学金:  Established to assist financially deserving students majoring in Engineering.  The recipient must be enrolled full-time and majoring in Engineering with a sophomore, 初级, 或者是高年级学生; and 良好的学术地位 with 证明有经济需要.

丽贝卡·安妮·凯尔顿纪念奖学金: 为了纪念丽贝卡·凯尔顿于2000年成立, this scholarship is awarded annually to a student majoring in education. Preference is given to students in the elementary education program. 三年级教育专业, Rebecca was very active at Roger Williams as a resident assistant, member of the Intervaristy Christian Fellowship and DJ at the University radio station.

罗伯特D. Eigen Scholarship Fund in memory of Jeanette Altman: 这项奖学金是为了纪念罗伯特·D. 93年,纪念珍妮特·奥特曼, is awarded to students in the Feinstein College of Arts and Sciences, 主修人文学科, 择优录取, 并表现出经济需求.

吉姆·科尔中士和平官员奖学金: Established to honor the memory of Sergeant James Cole '91, 他是华威警察局的一名警官,毕业于网赌的十大网站课程,成绩为B.S. 司法行政. 吉姆·科尔警官和平官奖学金提供给网赌的十大网站司法研究学院刑事司法项目的学生. Preference is given to active police officers or civilian employees of the Warwick Police Department, 他们的孩子, 或华威警察学员. 如果不能满足这些标准, the scholarship will be awarded to a Rhode Island resident (preferably from Warwick).

Sgt. 迈克尔·J. 詹尼托纪念奖学金: 授予巴林顿家族的儿子或女儿, 布里斯托尔, or Warren police officer or to a son or daughter of a Rhode Island State Police officer. The recipient must be a full-time student at Roger Williams University, 信誉良好,有经济需要. 该奖项于1988年设立,以纪念吴士达中士. 迈克尔·J. Jannitto, a member of the 布里斯托尔 Police Department.

斯帕克斯纪念捐赠奖学金: 这个奖学金 was established in memory of John and Theresa Sparks and their son, 肯尼斯·火花.  It is awarded annually to student(s) who major in Engineering, 教育, 体系结构, or Business; and must be 良好的学术地位, 并表现出经济需求. 它可以再生长达三年.  

Steven Ficorilli 87年纪念奖学金: 成立于2007年. George Ficorilli, in memory of Steven Ficorilli from the class of 1987. 这个奖学金 is awarded to a full-time University student majoring in criminal justice. Preference is given to an individual who plans to work with juveniles.

The Barrie ’70 and Mary Lee 捐赠奖学基金: 巴里·李是罗杰·威廉姆斯学院1970年的校友,他获得了数学和物理文学学士学位. 他的妻子玛丽是纽波特海军水下作战中心计算机和信息服务的前负责人. 在一起, 他们了解高等教育的变革力量,因此为罗杰威廉姆斯大学有经济需要的全日制学生设立了这项奖学金. 

布莱恩·雷米纪念奖学金基金: 这个奖学金是为了纪念沃伦的布莱恩·雷米, RI supports students with a 证明有经济需要 who have a connection to a volunteer fire department as a volunteer or as the family member of a volunteer; or, 是沃伦的社区成员吗, 布里斯托尔, 或者巴林顿, Rhode Island; or are majoring in 施工管理.

丹尼尔·克瓦斯涅斯基93年奖学金基金: Daniel Kwasnieski graduated from Roger Williams University with a degree in architecture. 他后来成为了一名历史保护建筑师,并以兼职教授的身份与RWU分享了他的经验. 这个奖项是为了纪念他而设立的,旨在支持有经济需求的建筑专业学生. 

DePoalo家庭奖学金: DePoalo家族设立了这项奖学金,以支持全日制就读于网赌的十大网站建筑学院的学生, 良好的学术地位, 并表现出经济需求.

埃里克T. Dimmick ’94 Endowed Scholarship in 施工管理 Fund This fund was created to remember a person with great courage, integrity, and a zest for life. Eric pursued his passion for 施工管理 at RWU before his life was sadly shortened by illness. Eligibility includes being an enrolled full-time student majoring in 施工管理, 证明有经济需要, 并且有良好的学术成绩.

The Kelly Family Endowed Scholarship in 施工管理 The 目的 of this scholarship is to support students majoring in 施工管理 at RWU. Eligibility includes being an enrolled full-time student majoring in 施工管理, 证明有经济需要, 并且有良好的学术成绩.

The Professor Peter Wright 捐赠奖学基金: The 目的 of this scholarship is to remember Professor Peter Wright, 才华横溢的导演, 剧作家, 和演员. Amongst his students, he was described as a mentor, advisor, confidant, and second father. 该奖项将颁发给参加伦敦留学项目的戏剧专业大三学生. The student(s) will have 证明有经济需要 and is 良好的学术地位.

罗伯特·A. 波特,小. 捐赠奖学基金 Robert Potter came to RWU in the year 2000 after a 27-year military career. In 2001, he became Dean of the School of Engineering, 计算, and 施工管理. 在他的领导下, the school saw national recognition for its Engineering and 施工管理 programs. This fund will support a student enrolled full-time, 主修计算机科学, 施工管理, 或工程, 谁有经济上的需要 and is 良好的学术地位.